NSW Roundtable
Funded by Create NSW
Funded by Create NSW ✹
Designed to assist early-mid career managers build skills and expand their knowledge of the contemporary music landscape, the AAM’s 2023 NSW Managers Roundtable incorporates group activities & discussion, networking and peer-to-peer learning, specific to the field of artist management and unique to the needs of participants’ artist rosters.
The program will bring together 5 selected early-mid career NSW artist managers with 5 established NSW managers for an intensive, in-person 5-hour workshop on Tuesday February 21 at APRA AMCOS in Sydney/Eora. This will be followed by 2 x one-on-one 1 hour mentoring sessions, whereby each early-mid career manager participant will be paired with an established manager mentor. The 2 sessions will take place over 2 months - in-person or virtually - as pairs prefer.
Prior to the workshop day and mentoring sessions, AAM Chair and workshop facilitator Greg Carey (Grow Yourself Up, Ripple Effect) will also connect with each participant for a 20 min preliminary chat/Zoom. This will act as an opportunity for participants to share where they're currently at in their careers, what they’re seeking from the roundtable. These chats will help inform topics and conversations for the roundtable workshopping day.
The AAM will set up a closed Facebook Group for program participants, where they’ll have the opportunity to stay connected and share resources throughout the program.
At the end of the 2 month mentoring period, all participants and mentors will be invited to join a short virtual Closing Group Session, where they’ll have the opportunity to report back on any progress / outcomes, revisit any topics / ideas discussed on the original workshop day, and provide feedback on their experience in the program. Participating mentors and mentees will be asked to complete a short feedback survey upon completion of the program.
The Association of Artist Manager’s 2023 NSW Managers Roundtable is supported by the NSW Government through Create NSW.
Key Info
Program Dates:
APPLICATIONS OPEN: Thursday 1 December, 2022
APPLICATIONS CLOSE: Wednesday 18 January, 2023
Applicants notified of outcome: Wednesday 1 February
Preliminary 20-min chats: Between Monday 6 February - Friday 17 February
ROUNDTABLE WORKSHOP DAY: Tuesday 21 February: 10:45am - 4pm
Mentoring Period: Wednesday 22 February - Friday 21 April
Virtual Closing Group Workshop: Tuesday 2 May (11am - 12pm)
Who Can Apply?
2023 Eligibility Criteria
5 applicants were selected to participate in the 2023 NSW Managers Roundtable. To be eligible for this program:
Applicants must reside in NSW
Applicants must be a current paid member of The Association of Artist Managers Australia (AAM)
Applicants must be able to get themselves to and from the in-person roundtable workshop day (Feb 21), and participate in all program activities
This program is suitable for applicants with up to 5 years experience working as an artist manager (however anyone who feels this opportunity is suitable to their current career level is encouraged to apply.)
Applications have now closed for this program.